Monday, March 21, 2011

More decline of Western Civilization

Dear Congressman,

I recently ranted about a song I enjoyed in my youth. That song is "Trampled Under Foot" by dinosaur aged rockers Led Zeppelin. I had a long standing love of the beat and riffs that are associated with the song, but never really took the time to listen to the lyrics. Imagine my horror when I googled them and found the following:

Greasy, slicked down body, groovy leather trim
I like the way you hold the road, mama, it ain't no sin

Ooh, trouble-free transmission, helps your oils flow
Mama, let me pump your gas, mama, let me do it all

Dig that heavy metal underneath your hood
Baby, I can work all night, believe I got the perfect tools

Now, I will never be confused with Bill Shakespeare, but this is some seriously lame songwriting. I don't expect Led Zep to produce anything along the lines of Robert Frost or Lord Byron, but I can't help but wonder that they couldn't put just a tad more effort into coming up with some lines that could have been composed in an 8th grade English class.

Let's face it, a 13 year old girl could write better lyrics than that!!!!

Or so I thought...

Meet the latest Youtube sensation Rebecca Black. I have attached the link to her new video, "Friday".

Did you make it all the way through? I know I didn't. Just for fun, here are some highlights of the lyrics from this gem.

Seven a.m., waking up in the morning
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein' everything, the time is goin'
Tickin' on and on, everybody's rushin'
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends

Yup, makes Eminem seem like a Rhodes Scholar to me. Here another example of Miss Black's wonder of modern music:

Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin')
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today

Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after ... wards
I don't want this weekend to end

I am speechless. I keep hearing artists claiming that they smoke dope to be more creative. In these cases, I would have gladly passed around the hat to get a dime bag to help the helpless compose a sentence or two, rather than have the dribble listed above unleashed on an unsuspecting public.


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