Dear Congressman,
Currently your buddies over in the Senate are holding up the nomination of Gina McCarthy to head the Environmental Protection Agency. They are upset because it appears she has not properly answered all their questions, all 1,100 of them. As 1,075 of them were asked by your fellow Republicans, I was intrigued to find out what the nature of the questions were.
So in the fairness of disclosure, I have obtained a sample of some of the questions Ms. McCarthy has received from your esteemed colleagues across the building.
Question 46: Boxers or briefs?
Question 106: (from the Republican Senator from Idaho) Do you agree that the Yellow Tail Spotted American Owl is a major contributor to noise pollution in the Pacific Northwest and needs to be shot on sight?
Currently your buddies over in the Senate are holding up the nomination of Gina McCarthy to head the Environmental Protection Agency. They are upset because it appears she has not properly answered all their questions, all 1,100 of them. As 1,075 of them were asked by your fellow Republicans, I was intrigued to find out what the nature of the questions were.
So in the fairness of disclosure, I have obtained a sample of some of the questions Ms. McCarthy has received from your esteemed colleagues across the building.
Question 46: Boxers or briefs?
Question 106: (from the Republican Senator from Idaho) Do you agree that the Yellow Tail Spotted American Owl is a major contributor to noise pollution in the Pacific Northwest and needs to be shot on sight?
Question 218: What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Question 222: You talking to me? (pause) You talking to me? (pause) You talking to me?
Question 453: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Question 734: Are you busy Friday night?
Question 735: If not, how about Sunday. Is Sunday good?
Question 740 - 910: A single conservative, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) submitted these questions, they are composed of 54 math, 67 critical reading and 49 grammar questions that appeared on the most recent version of the Scholastic Assessment Test.
Question 945: Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
Question 988: Does this make me look fat?
Question 1041: I have an 18F87J50 Demo Board and am using PICkit2 to load my hex files, MPLAB IDE Version to modify 'USB Device - HID - Simple Custom Demo - C18 - PIC18F87J50 PIM.mcp. I can successfully Build and Make hex files. I am using PICkit2 to load my hex files to the Demo Board. I am using a VB6 project I found somewhere to talk to the Demmo Board thru USB, it is call Pic18F87J50.vbp. I am trying to increment a LONG integer in the C code every time that the button on the board is pressed and then send this number to my VB6 program. This C line seems to send a 64 byte array thru USB: USBInHandle = HIDTxPacket(HID_EP,(BYTE*)&ToSendDataBuffer[0],64);
Does my LONG integer needs to be sent as 4 BYTE characters in this byte array and how is the LONG integer set to these BYTES, say bytes ToSendDataBuffer[1] to ToSendDataBuffer[5]??????? Also, what VB6 code would recombine the 4 bytes into a LONG integer again????
And Finally
Question 1100: What's in your wallet?
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